I sell imibhaco yesiXhosa, it is ready made don’t do sowing. So please don’t send me Mandla and Nodiyala Mandela’s photos.

Only items I have on stock are the ones on the photo.

Ndithengisa imibhaco yesiXhosa, andithungi ungandithumeleli iphoto yento oyibone kuMandla noNodiyala ukuba ndikwenzele.

Nentsimbi ndinazo.

5 pieces white+black @ R1500
7 pieces white+black/red+black/yellow+black/orange+black(photos available) @ R2000

For more info/Iinkcukacha ezizeleyo


074 974 3047/082 351 1190

You deposit the full amount plus postage then send you your set.

Faka imali yonke ebank neyeposi ndikuthumelele umbhaco wakho.

Enkosi ngenkxaso, thanks for support.