Apex Mechanical Distributors, Cape Town, 0218795507
The company’s goal is to offer the industry a complete construction concept, which includes the construction of vessels, equipment, conveyors, steel structures, stainless steel, mild steel pipes, machine maintenance, and overhaul.
To achieve this goal, craftsmen have been trained in the brewing, food, chemical, and beverage industries, fire protection, sprinkler systems, refrigeration and the oil industry and most have more than 10 years of experience.
The company is structured in such a way that staff can be increased at short notice; The amount of work at the end of the project can also be reduced.
The company is a member and registered with the following government agencies as required by law to conduct its activities.
Metal industry.The Commissioner for Workers’ Compensation. HR department. The Regional Services Council. General employer law and liability insurance.
Apex Mechanical Distributors, Cape Town
Email – [email protected]
Tell – 0218795507 / 083 421 1052