1682 Block A, MABOPANE, 0190
North of Pretoria, Gauteng
Republic of South Africa
Tel: 0607416568| 0769115578
Email: [email protected]


The development of a practical, structured approach to the development of corporate governance principles within the Local Informal Sector’s public finance and financial sector industry.


An inclusive and participatory Investment Scheme committed to the development of new technology to galvanize and facilitate:
more effective and efficient local governance organization;
increased local governance portfolio;
reflect up to date information for decision-makers in local governance; and
improved quality of portfolio management products and services.


The core purposes of this Company are:
a competitive fast growing economy which creates sufficient jobs for all work-seekers;
a redistribution of income and opportunities in favor of the poor;
o society in which sound finance, education, and economy and other services are available to all; and
an environment in which homes are secure and places of work are productive.


Hedging against inflation:
to protect financial investments by spreading the risk;
invest surplus funds, so that it’s value grows at a faster rate than inflation;
investing surplus assets/money in investments with intrinsic value (gold, property, energy);
buying bonds, shares, properties and precious metals to protect capital from the effects of inflation;
reducing the risk when unsure about future price inflation; and
any other relevant answer to hedging against inflation as a type of lobbying.