Dog Training at the S.A. Dog Training College
We get calls every day from people from JHB South, Alberton, JHB, Randburg, East and West Rand, as well as the Vaal Triangle, enquiring about the dog training that we offer at S.A. Dog Training College (SADTC.) We also have handlers from all the above areas and further.

My wife Christine and I trained in JHB South, and then trained in Alberton until we decided to study new improved methods. SADTC was established by us in 1984, and we worked according to the South African owner and dog, and then further afield, proving to be a force to be reckoned with nationally and internationally.

SADTC trains all breeds and ages of dogs. We do Basic Home Obedience lessons for pups as well as older dogs, and Competition Obedience, if you want to make your dog an obedience champion.

Some of what we offer:
Instructor Courses.
Dog Jumping/Agility, including competition level.
Protection work, including home, gun, car protection.
Tracking classes, to follow/locate a person.
Detection/Scent, for the dogs to learn scent discrimination and find different odours.
Therapy/Service dog training.
Private Lessons/Inboard Training/Behaviour Consulting
We sell all types dog toys and training equipment, for all fields of training.
Pet Boarding Kennels, Canine Country Club for more info you can contact; Or checkout the web page;

SADTC has some of the Highest Qualified Instructors Internationally; Recognized by The National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI) in the USA. Christine and I, and some of our instructors are also qualified Animal Behaviour Consultants. One of our protection instructors is internationally qualified and teaching newer methods constantly.

SEMINARS are also hosted or presented during the year on different work with dogs and have become the “Mecca” for dog seminars in S.A, Africa and Abroad. We cover virtually all the disciplines of dog training, including Protection, Anti-Poaching and Therapy to name a few.

You are welcome to come and view our training on a Saturday morning, starting at 08:00 Agility Classes, followed by Puppy and Basic Home Obedience classes from 09h00 followed by Semi Advance and Protection Work Classes.

Please bear in mind that only dogs that are already in training with us are allowed on the training grounds. No dogs are allowed on the premises without clearance from ourselves.
Please view our website, If you need any further information please contact the Office on 065-860-6784 or e-mail us at