Are you struggling to survive with your current pension?

I’m not talking about SASSA pension because nobody can survive on such a small amount of money. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a pensioner; however I have realized that if I don’t do something now, I will suffer for it tomorrow. Inflation rates factually rises annually up to 15% and will make short work of whatever I will be getting at that stage. There is almost nothing that doesn’t increase on a monthly basis, never mind annually, therefore pensions and any other investments (Which wont increase more than 5% annually) you might have going will also have less value on a monthly basis, It is time to do something now, today, while we still can. And for you who are already on pension, it is not too late to have a chance at a better quality life.

In South-Africa, only 12% of all people can be self-sufficient when they retire, the other 88% depend on SASSA, Family or children, etc. Don’t think that even if somehow R2 million is paid out to you that it will be enough, If you sit down and honestly do your calculations, the results will shock you.

I discovered a opportunity that only costs me R249 a month and with a few hours of work a week, I now generate an income that is already more than my calculated pension and is steadily showing promise to even surpass my salary in the next few months. I just regret not discovering this sooner.

This opportunity is for anyone over the age of 18, no experience is required, and is suitable for a school leaver with just a will to succeed. You CAN and WILL reap the rewards, its never too late or even too early to begin.

What we do today will echo into tomorrow.

Whatsapp me with your name and OC1 I’ll pass on the information.

Or if you know of someone that might be interested please let me know.

Kind regards,